The ancients understood this. They honored grief. They invoked the dark goddess at funerals through the wails of keening women, women who gave their bodies over fully to the power of ecstatic release. Notice that word ecstatic, as in ECSTASY: a state of complete connection to the Divine and the BLISS of transformation. Death, Rebirth, Life. It’s all good, it’s all perfect. Every experience is a gift, an opportunity to take our spiritual journey to a new level of evolution. In western culture grief is something we handle in private or people try to help us “get through”, but what if grief was a loud, wailing howl that flowed through the body like the ecstasy of an orgasm? What if we screamed out our grief in great waves until we had nothing left but space, a great void where the new way of being can sprout?
The Old World is dead. Its corpse has big pieces of rotting flesh falling off into a huge compost pile where they can be mulched and then feed the seeds of the New World. Denial of the death of the Old World is rampant. Each person, community and continent has its own timing for acceptance. For those who do see and feel the Old World falling down all around them, it is time to grieve for the gifts that World gave us. It is time to honor the lessons of separation and soul sickness. It is time to dance on the grave of the Old World. The Winter Solstice of 2012 marks the turning of the times, the funeral for the Old World and initiation of the New.
-Veronicah Cohen